I EAT PUSSY!! Don’t be afraid of the mom at the supermarket covering her kids eyes as you walk by sporting your silky smooth denim Sherpa jacket with a “I EAT pussy” patch right over your heart. That’s where I’m mounting mine at least to show how truly important to my heart it truly is. Not enough people return the service when it is given, how is anyone suppose to have fun at that point? That’s why we made this patch to express how important it is to the economy and world peace to simply go out and eat some pussy. Every time one of these patches is bought it sincerely warms my heart to know there’s another human being out there that knows how important this subject matter is.
And you don’t need to just feel good about the cause your supporting by buying one of these patches. You can also feel good that when you order your patch it’ll show the world that you care about overproduction and pollution. We aren’t one of those company’s that makes 500 of our patches just waiting for someone to buy one and hoping they buy the one we made. Our workshops only make your patch after you’ve ordered it so that one its not just sitting around possibly never getting sold and used. But also it reduces the waste when you make a patch to order for someone and increases the individuality of each patch.