Are you just better than everyone else? Do you need to let everyone know that your better than them and that you make a lot of money without even saying a word? Then your messing up if you don’t have a 1% patch in your repertoire. How do the commoners walking down the street know to clear the path for your holy 1% feet if your not wearing a patch to differentiate yourself? With you elevated position in life you need a elevated level of patch as well; in order to do that for you we make each embroidered patch custom and made-to-order. Meaning we don’t have 100’s of these sitting on a shelf waiting for you to order it getting moldy and having rats shit on it till you order and then dust it off and throw it in a bag. No no when you order your patch the next business day one of our factory workers will come in and see your order and start making it that day so that we can get it to you as fast as possible.
The design is super simple put omnipotent with a black circle outline and “1%” written in black centered in the circle. Making people be able to see it and lay out the red carpet for you. Also when you or your assistant orders one of these patches you can feel extra good about your 1% self cause the only waste from your patch being made is the tiny bit of glue squeeze out on the back of the patch for the iron on application. But if you don’t wanna have it ironed on you can have your tailor sow it on so that it wont go anywhere on ya. Or there is the old school option of safety pining it on so that you can easily move it or store it if necessary. The options are endless at Denim and Patches so go check out the store and see what you can find!