He would definitely kick your ass like no questions asked but hey this is Jesus were talking about. Like are you really sitting there like hey if I got a good uppercut in right after a kidney punch I feel like I could take him. But hey I’m not here to crush your hopes and dreams keep going to the gym and training to beat up Jesus/Chuck Norris in a boxing match. You got it. But back to business here I wanted to talk about the design of the patch real quick. Oh and also you should probably shoot for like a 5 sec mile and benching like 300 with your pinkie if your looking to take that match on.
But anyways like most of our patches here at Denim and Patches we kept the embroidered patch very simple in design but just enough color to still grab a person’s eye. The whole patch is outlined with a blue line creating a 3 inch circle exactly. With the hands of a king offering his crown to Jesus/Chuck Norris because he knows he would get his ass beat like a wittle babyyy. With the words written in red underneath said picture; “Jesus would whip your ass”. Keeping the layout of the patch very simple and not to busy on the patch. And with that I’d like to leave you with this bit of knowledge. Newton’s Third Law is wrong: Although it states that for each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is no force equal in reaction to a Jesus/Chuck Norris roundhouse kick.